Wednesday, February 21, 2007

tougher than it looks

she does not have cable, no. that's what first lead us to the pbn. we wanted wolvies and uni's but couldn't find any. cat's pbn is horses running through a stream. beaut-e-ous. powerful. quite moving. she started hers alone - which was against the rules, but whatever. i have some catching up to do.

she was sitting in front of me doing her pbn on the floor with her wine beside her and we were talking about how much we hated camp and group activities as children (and how the hell did we BOTH end up at circle square ranch bible camp, anyways? - effed up), and i was saying how i was going to give my pbn to my dad for his birthday that's coming up (how i could picture my mom telling friends 'apparently it's a lot harder than it looks...') and so it was all appropriate talk for alcohol and pbn. but then cat got into biodiversity-indexes and agricultural audits and it just looked ridiculous. earnest intellectual discussion with a tiny paint-by-numbers brush in her hand leaning over a huge half-painted picture of horses in a stream...

i miss you, dollface.

pbn-ing all over the place,


Blogger Sticky & Spanky said...

what . . . uh, where did you buy them? Did you go on a pbn shopping expedition? did you take the bus? what did the, uh, shop person say? was there head-shaking involved?

i did one at the cottage when i was, like, 10. it was of dogs. come to think of it, i think it was jarvis-type dogs. blond cockers lend themselves to such art. as i recall, it was tough (although i was 10) and so, of course, i did not finish it.


1:49 PM  
Blogger Sticky & Spanky said...

we bought them at an art supply store. loomis i believe. there was a bus involved. and there was some laughing done (at us) by the guy at the counter. we had 3 - one for becky (dolphins).

you'll have one within the week.

6:21 PM  

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