Thursday, March 08, 2007

bee. in love.

sticky sez:

dear spanky,

all of those things - the cliches about the sting of being single being felt most acutely when you see a couple holding hands on the beach or some shit like that. i don't feel it then, i feel it most acutely in a pub. is there anything better than having a little corner in a dirty pub with your love -- getting drunk and mildly inappropriate before you go home together for hours of ridiculousness in bed...or...on the counter?

feeling sentimental,
sticky bee

also: it doesn't work with randoms. i can't DO that with randoms. sticky has morals. catholic morals. you know, those 'morals' that make you a raging perv with church-loads of 'kilt'-laden repression. THOSE morals.


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