Friday, September 28, 2007

sick. on the WEEKEND.

sticky sez:

i have a cold. and it's the weekend. that's ten kinds of unfair. not even a good stay-home-from-work-watching-tv garbage-day out of it. goddamn it.

in other news - sticky's in talks for a job in toronto. looking like i'll move back at christmas. would you like that, spanx? i'll be right close to you. eeeee! sure will miss the junkies in my alley. someone died the other night. overdosed, the cops think. i'm not so sure. woke up to screaming at 4am. man and woman, messed up. talked to cops at 6am - taking the body away. told them what i'd heard. they were uninterested. just a junkie, they seemed to say. horrific, all of it.

haven't had any choc-o-late barz of late, but had an intense piece of birthday cake. it was moan-inducing. like your dad between my thighs.

and goodnight sir.


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