Friday, March 02, 2007


dear sticky-the-hypocrite,

We have taken the bee all for ourselves. Whenever our holy masses see bees, they think of the stick and spank. And then they run from the bee in a gimpy panic, wailing and flailing and grabbing for their eppy pen.

i hate people who are afraid of bees. what. a bunch. of homos.

but to address the most compelling item of your posting: why the fuck you wanna dress like a retard? were you just talking hypothetically about getting a rainbow belt? ‘cause if you are really into it, i don't know if we can be friends anymore.

also: didn't the lesbians used to rock the purple triangle? what ever happened to that?

also: i don't find rainbows to be a "lovely part of nature". i find them to be tacky and over-rated. like mountains.

also: despite your protests, i always thought you were secretly a full homophobe.

until that time we made it.

also: who are these three gay three best friends you refer to? i thought we only had three friends, total. Is it cat, led and i? I didn't know led was a gay. i don't think they allow gays in calgary.

seriously, lemme know about the belt.

poised to strike you off my (xtra long) friend list,


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