Wednesday, October 17, 2007

good to know you have lesbian porn-sites memorized and at-the-ready, you big gay lesbian.

i'll stick to my dad-porn. moustache-on-moustache.

i'm an occasional lesbian. unlike you. full-time lesbo-perve.




you're gross.

also — the title of this post is also the same as that of a certain website you may enjoy in your hand-down-pantz endeavours.

you. are welcome.

spanky millionaire

ps — leave. the meatsticks. out of *it*.

you perve.

am i having sex yet?

sticky sez:

poor little spanky - a cold that not even the booze will help? rough.

i didn't know the tasered-guy was eastern european. it was rcmp who tasered the death into him. those guys, eh? reading a bit of chretien's memoir. the part where a man with a knife breaks a window and gets within steps of chretien's sleeping body. with a knife. that shit i knew. inuit sculpture and the rest. full of hilarity. but the details - the guards playing cards, no alarm when the window was busted, etc. it's pretty awesome.

i'm just REALLY glad those guys aren't protecting me. i sleep better at night knowing i'm not in their care, that's for sure. i'd find myself stabbed-up by a random dude and all messed up from some accidental taser and or gun shots.

god, would i ever love to own a taser gun. i'd be taser-happy. taser your ass all over the place.

it's absolutely vomitting rain outside. plus, i haven't had sex in, like, a very long time. a tall, handsome fellow put his arm around me to move me out of the way today (firm yet gentle) and i believe i almost came. not to mention seeing the firetrucks go by this morning...

i have to put my hands down my pants now,