dear pogo-eater,
i think today is telling me i should stay inside. maybe it's even saying i should stay inside and in my bed. i just went out to get a house key copied. that's it. and i was minding my own business waiting to walk across at the light, wondering how many more times i'll lose my house key in my lifetime, and this lady comes out of nowhere and presses the walk button. as she did it i realized i'd forgotten to press it. she then looks at me and yells:
"were you just standing here waiting for me to come over and press the goddamn button for you?"
"" i said.
"cuz i'm not yer goddamn monkey running around pressing buttons for you" she said.
i told her i was just in a daze and hadn't thought to press the button (i didn't tell her that she was, in fact, my button-pressing monkey)
"oh" she said. "alright, then."
also: i haven't noticed a resurgence of acid-wash. but i feel it may be appropriate to remind you that you are living in hamilton. that may be a big part of the acid-wash come-back you're noticing. hamilton.
Sticky Bee