Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Acid washed, I said.

Dear Spitforbrains,

I asked you if you've seen a resurgence in acid washed.

Also: today is magical. I asked Timmy for a double double and he gave me a triple triple. Have you had such a thing? Delicious!

Your friend,


Hurry up. I'm frigging bored over here.

- Spankooo

giant. balls.

i just emailed the bulldog and asked him for this one:

we shall see . . .

also, i think we will move back to Kingston. eventually. when the kidlets come.

you should, too.



you smell like ass.

While I agree that the Secret is, inherently, a good thing, I must object to the shmarmy marketing ploys that make it stink like an informercial. It doesn't even stink like a good infomercial about knives that cut drywall and sneakers. It has the bad stink of a real estate scheme infomercial.

This guy makes me want to shower. Which is probably not a bad idea.

Also: he's your boyfriend.

- le spanks



heh. tuna.

- spanx

my monkey.

dear pogo-eater,

i think today is telling me i should stay inside. maybe it's even saying i should stay inside and in my bed. i just went out to get a house key copied. that's it. and i was minding my own business waiting to walk across at the light, wondering how many more times i'll lose my house key in my lifetime, and this lady comes out of nowhere and presses the walk button. as she did it i realized i'd forgotten to press it. she then looks at me and yells:

"were you just standing here waiting for me to come over and press the goddamn button for you?"

"" i said.

"cuz i'm not yer goddamn monkey running around pressing buttons for you" she said.

i told her i was just in a daze and hadn't thought to press the button (i didn't tell her that she was, in fact, my button-pressing monkey)

"oh" she said. "alright, then."

also: i haven't noticed a resurgence of acid-wash. but i feel it may be appropriate to remind you that you are living in hamilton. that may be a big part of the acid-wash come-back you're noticing. hamilton.

Sticky Bee

ass and cheese.

about 'the secret' smelling like ass and tasting like the cheese from some pyramid-scheme - i agree to a point. but in the movie they are not asking you to buy anything or subscribe to any doctrine. they're not pushing a book or weekends with gurus (although all of these things are forthcoming, of course). it really does come down to the simple premise that thoughts become things - and they are free. i think they've put together ancient, universal teachings in a form that's palatable to the reeking masses. and to be palatable to the reeking masses at this point in time it seems it's beneficial to smell like ass a little and taste of cheese. whatever gets the message out.

it would be nice for everyone if you thought about deodorant for awhile. i smell you from here.



I was telling the boss about the secret, about how you were all over it, about how you sent me that email link & i couldn't load it so i didn't know what it was about so i just assumed that it was you reminding me to wear deodorant again (like secret deodorant).

the boss just looked blankly at me. and held his nose and fired me.



spanky sez:

Catherine's going to be mad at us and make us take this down.

don't tell cat

yeah - cat will be unimpressed. she'll give us that head-shake and tell us we need a babysitter. i don't see anything wrong with spending entire days writing inanities to you...we've done it for years. if we were meant to be productive it would have happened by now.



remember that time a chunk of deodorant fell out of your dress? that was awesome.

went to cat's place last night and began my first paint-by-numbers. pbn. we're bringing back the pbn. 3 things: 1. it's more difficult than you'd think. 2. it's a good drinking activity, but a lot more involved than, say, 'connect four' 3. hours go by like minutes.

mine is a giant tiger coming out of the bushes. majestic. he'd look good on a beer cozy.


you're a homo.

haahah. pbn. that's awesome. wait - how old were you?

yeah, that chunk of deodorant nite was the night i picked up justin. luckeee times.

does she have cable? what's cat's pbn of? wolvies?

i bet yours turns out gimpy. and beer stained. and on cat's kitchen wall.

love you!
spanky the millionaire.

tougher than it looks

she does not have cable, no. that's what first lead us to the pbn. we wanted wolvies and uni's but couldn't find any. cat's pbn is horses running through a stream. beaut-e-ous. powerful. quite moving. she started hers alone - which was against the rules, but whatever. i have some catching up to do.

she was sitting in front of me doing her pbn on the floor with her wine beside her and we were talking about how much we hated camp and group activities as children (and how the hell did we BOTH end up at circle square ranch bible camp, anyways? - effed up), and i was saying how i was going to give my pbn to my dad for his birthday that's coming up (how i could picture my mom telling friends 'apparently it's a lot harder than it looks...') and so it was all appropriate talk for alcohol and pbn. but then cat got into biodiversity-indexes and agricultural audits and it just looked ridiculous. earnest intellectual discussion with a tiny paint-by-numbers brush in her hand leaning over a huge half-painted picture of horses in a stream...

i miss you, dollface.

pbn-ing all over the place,

$2.99! 2.99!

get it at:

Your dad will it.



buy it! immediately. we can have pbn drink-n-dials. although we'll need to get head-sets for that...pbn requires both hands. head-sets and hats with beer-straws. perfect. then we'll be all ready for pbn-drink-n-dial fridays.

just the boost my social life needs.

reaching for my helmet,
sticky bee

one more thing

i couldn't help but notice that i wore jogging pants out of the house yesterday. i was not on my way to the gym.

better curb that behaviour. fast.

choosing 'comfortable' over 'fashionable' all the way to fat and single with too many cats,
sticky bee